Johnson Bilge Pumps 12 Volt


Cartridge Bilge Pumps L450 - 600 GPH, 12V
Capacity 0.9m head (13.6 V): 33 l/min - 525 GPH Capacity Straight (13.6 V): 40 l/min - 630 GPH Amps: 2.5A Fuse Size: 5A Weight: 0.27kg Max ø: 70 Max Height: 112mm Connection: 3/4

Additional Info: 

Our Cartridge pumps incorporate some of the most advanced features in the industry, features developed from service in a wide variety of uses including racing, cruising, sport fishing and demanding commercial duties. For L450, L550, and L650, we have improved the design with easy-to-install Dura-Port discharge ports to eliminate stress cracking caused by over-tightened hose clamps. Where applicable the pumps are delivered including both a straight and a 90° smooth elbow Dura-Port as well as a removable check valve.