07 3396 9988
Jabsco 4 Litre Par-Max 1 Freshwater Pressure Pump
J20-098 Category:
4 Litre Par-Max 1 Freshwater Pressure Pumps - Jabsco 42630-2900
•Miniature multi-outlet water pressure pump serves one or maximum two low volume outlets.
•Available in automatic demand (with 35PSI pressure switch) or manual model (this model is no pressure switch, turn it on or off by a separate switch).
•Ideal for small boats, caravans and campervans.
•Ignition and thermal overload protection with auto restart.
•1.1 gpm (4.3 litre) open flow A Dual diaphragm operation
Additional Info:
J21-150 Service Kits suits both
J25-151 Pressure Switch